Liz Phair, "Hey Lou" music video
Big thanks to Liz Phair and Kathy Angstadt for reaching out to me in 2020 to create this music video for "Hey Lou.” Had a lot fun designing and building these glove puppet caricatures of Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, and Andy Warhol. I’ve always liked glove puppets, but wished there was a way to move their mouths to allow the puppeteer to give more expression and life to the character. These puppets were designed to be entirely controlled and manipulated with one hand. Thanks to Christine Papalexis for puppeteering with me. Find credits, #btsphotos and links to Liz Phair in the news section on my website.
#lizphair #heylou #loureed #laurieanderson #andyworhol #puppetcaricature #glovepuppet #velvetunderground #puppetry #puppetanimation
Thanks to everyone who helped out.
Directed by Toben Seymour
Production Company: Seymour.tv
Produced by Kathy Angstadt & Toben Seymour (@kkangsta & @seymour.tv)
Puppet Design and Puppet Build by Toben Seymour and Seymour Creatures.
Puppetry by Toben Seymour and Christine Papalexis.
Puppet costume designs by Michele Dunn, Lauren Barnett, and Alison Mork.
Camera operator: Shaun Wolfe
Follow Liz Phair:
Website: https://LizPhair.lnk.to/Website